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Healthcare Cybersecurity Solutions

Healthcare Cybersecurity Solutions2024-01-31T00:38:34+04:00

Safely Deliver Connected Care with Medigate

Safely Deliver Connected Care with Medigate

We are providers of the industry’s first and leading dedicated Healthcare IoT security platform, enabling healthcare providers to safely deliver connected care. Medigate fuses its deep understanding of medical workflows and proprietary protocols with the reality of today’s cybersecurity threats, so hospitals can confidently connect and operate all clinical assets on their network while ensuring patient privacy and safety. Leading in healthcare IoT security in hospitals and medical centers around the world, Medigate gives you the power to secure the Extended Internet of Things (XIoT) by delivering unmatched visibility, protection, and threat detection for all connected organizations via one comprehensive solution.

Visibility, Insights, & Anomaly Detection Across your Healthcare System

The explosive growth of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has created unprecedented challenges for healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs). Tracking, managing, and protecting these constantly moving devices can create operational inefficiencies and gaps that attackers can exploit. The problem is HDOs don’t have all the information they need about the devices in their environment. Manual data collection processes and general-purpose discovery tools often miss threats and generate incomplete inventories. HDOs need to improve their device data quality and validity, which empowers accurate inventories, risk assessments, and improved security strategies
The core Visibility, Insights, and Anomaly Detection function of the Medigate Device Security Platform (MDSP) discovers and profiles every connected device and analyzes its risks to keep HDOs safe and operating efficiently. With unparalleled accuracy, HDOs have the medical device profiles and contextual risk identification they need to make data-driven management and security decisions that help them better protect and optimize their connected medicine operations.

Device Discovery & Profiling with Medigate

You can’t protect what you can’t see. Device discovery is foundational in protecting sensitive data — and in protecting the lives of patients.

Medigate’s combined use of both passive and light-active techniques enables you to see all device traffic. With our compatibility across over 500+ unique device protocols, all the traffic is fully interpreted. Healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs) continually add CPS, such as connected medical devices, to their environment.
Complete Visibility of Connected Devices: The Medigate Platform’s device discovery helps locate devices in the hospital with precision. With compatibility across unique device protocols, Medigate is able to fully interpret all CPS traffic  — allowing HDOs to, improve planning, and optimize operations.
Comprehensive and Accurate Device Profiles: The Medigate Platform provides over 100 unique device attributes that often go undocumented. Data-rich discovery and contextualized risk assessments give HDOs the most comprehensive and accurate device profiles — and eliminate time-consuming manual routines
Network Communication Mapping: With comprehensive tracking of device communications, The Medigate Platform enables policy enforcement, alerting, and visibility into the network. By providing the clinical domain expertise that general IoT solutions lack, HDOs can prioritize risk and ensure the appropriate protections are in place.

Vulnerability & Risk Management with Medigate

Identify vulnerabilities and prioritize remediation to enable continuous security posture management and compliance.

Device cybersecurity depends on a complex set of factors, and it can be hard to know what the right action is. With a ‘context-aware’ set of details about each device, the next-step recommendations become useful. The evolving landscape of connected devices in clinical and non-clinical workflows results in new and often unaddressed vulnerabilities.
Identification of Vulnerabilities and Impact: By obtaining a complete report of every device on the network and its associated risk, security vulnerabilities can be addressed quickly and efficiently — ensuring critical operations and patient care are uninterrupted.
Customized Risk Framework: A customizable risk scoring framework empowers HDOs to better manage their unique environment by incorporating device attributes, network connectivity, common vulnerabilities and exploits across devices.
Vulnerability Prioritization: Risk simulations compare and assess risk of devices within active context incorporating both the probability of a compromise and the potential severity it could have on your health system.
Device Risk Remediation Guidance: Remediation recommendations provide clinically aware fixes and patches for devices to best address risk, so you can focus resources on the steps designed to protect and optimize device availability.

Network Protection with Medigate

Harness expert-defined policies and granular access controls to embrace network segmentation and policy enforcement.

With an accurate device profile, network segmentation becomes a powerful tool. Applying the right policy to the proper device improves the overall security posture of the HDO. Combining connectivity with the unique complexities of healthcare environments can have serious implications.
Network Policy Recommendations: Applying the right policy to the proper device improves overall security posture for HDOs. The Medigate Platform provides out-of-the-box network security policy recommendations that incorporate clinical context and integrate with leading security tools.
Enforce Network Policies: HDOs can dynamically assign network policies for clinical devices based on user-defined device groups, observed traffic, and contextualized recommendations. This policy enforcement will allow your organization to balance security and accessibility without disruption to patient care.
Simulate Impact of Policies: By simulating the impact of segmentation policies, HDOs understand how network policy and device communication changes affect their risk posture. These measures can help your organization confidently achieve both security and uptime goals.
Meaningful Partner Integrations: Medigate has partnerships and meaningful integrations with industry-leading security tools. This bi-directional communication increases visibility across your hospital network.

Anomaly & Threat Detection with Medigate

Detect, prioritize, and respond to threats before they can impact patient care.

A unified insights and alert system provides automated methods to monitor, prioritize, and respond to affected devices through device visibility and remediation workflow capabilities. The Medigate Platform’s Anomaly & Threat Detection (ATD) module has been purpose-built to help tackle the uptick in both known and emerging threats facing the connected devices that are reshaping care delivery today.
Threat Identification: Due to the unique nature of clinical workflows and an increasingly active threat landscape, Identifying when a cyber threat is present in hospital environments can be challenging. The Medigate Platform detects both known and emerging threats across hospital environments with known IoC alerting, signature-based alerting and MITRRE ATT&CK enterprise framework
Customized Alerting: Between scale, architecture, user base, and needs–no two healthcare environments are identical. The Medigate Platform enables you to customize alerts to fit a threat detection strategy based on unique organizational detection priorities and goals. Custom alerts cover multiple aspects of device parameters, including custom communication alerting and device status change alerting.
MEnhanced SOC & Security Workflows: Integrate with SOC workflows such as security appliances and orchestration tools to unify alerts and security processes into a centralized workflow. Implement agentless, continuous monitoring for security teams for use cases such as enhanced compliance and device hardening validations.

Device Inventory, Utilization & Location with Medigate

Use device data and insights to drive intelligent decision-making and improve operational efficiencies.

Using a bi-directional integration, accurate device data is fed dynamically into the HDOs record of truth. Maintaining an up-to-date inventory and managing a fleet of clinical devices is a manual, time-consuming job for device owners.
Accurate Location, Utilization, & Inventory: The Medigate platform delivers advanced details about device location and utilization rates, giving HDOs the information they need to plan operations accordingly. HDOs can enhance the quality of care and properly adjust to fluctuating demand.
Actionable Recommendations & Automated Workflows: Provide teams with digested recommendations for efficiency improvement and ROI optimization to understand clinical context and workflows. This depth of knowledge helps prioritize the most critical actions for device management.
Dynamic, Real-Time Data: Gain access to device data, consolidate inventory records and receive contextual information on each asset’s potential risk to prioritize actions that maximize the operational value of device inventory.
Extend Existing Capabilities into Clinical Environments: Claroty’s vast ecosystem of technology partners helps integrate our clinically-aware threat detection capabilities with existing security solutions such as security appliances and orchestration tools, helping you unify alerts and security processes into a centralized workflow. The Medigate Platform helps you confidently and effectively manage all alerts from across the healthcare environment — all from a single pane of glass within existing tools.

Why Invest In Cybersecurity For Your Healthcare Environment?

Investing in cybersecurity for healthcare environments is crucial to protect sensitive patient information, ensure regulatory compliance, and maintain the trust of patients and stakeholders. With the increasing use of digital technologies and the adoption of electronic health records, healthcare organizations have become a prime target for cyberattacks. A breach of patient data can not only harm patients but also result in costly lawsuits, damage to reputation, and regulatory fines. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular vulnerability assessments, can help prevent cyberattacks and safeguard patient data. It also ensures that healthcare organizations meet regulatory requirements such as HIPAA and GDPR.
  • Protect patient data: Implement secure access controls, encrypt data, and regularly monitor systems to prevent data breaches.
  • Ensure HIPAA compliance: Regularly review and update policies and procedures to ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations.
  • Prevent unauthorized access: Implement strong password policies, restrict access to sensitive areas, and monitor network traffic for any unauthorized activity.
  • Protect medical devices: Secure medical devices with firewalls, antivirus software, and regular security updates to prevent hacking or malware infections.
  • Safeguard hospital operations: Cybersecurity threats can disrupt hospital operations, leading to canceled appointments, delays in care, and potential harm to patients. Investing in cybersecurity measures such as disaster recovery plans and redundant systems can help safeguard against these threats.
  • Protect against reputational damage: A cybersecurity breach can result in significant reputational damage to healthcare organizations, leading to a loss of patient trust and business. Effective cybersecurity measures can help prevent breaches and mitigate the impact in case of an incident, protecting the organization’s reputation.

How Medigate Works

Within hours of deployment, through either a network tap or SPAN port, Medigate passively discovers devices and begins providing accurate and granular details on the IoT and IoMT connecting to the network. Using unique deep packet inspection (DPI) techniques, the platform offers data-rich profiles and contextualized risk assessments that give HDOs the most accurate inventories and threat detection available. With Visibility, Insights, and Anomaly Detection, HDOs receive:
  • Detailed device profiles: Providing over 100 unique device attributes that often go undocumented, such as device IDs, version information, physical location, serially attached devices, vulnerability assessments, network connectivity, and more.
  • Network communications maps: Documenting inter-device communication relationships so that HDOs can inform decision-making with a communication world map, connection matrix, and VLAN visibility.
  • Accurate alerts: By identifying risks, including plain text credentials, unencrypted health information (PHI), vulnerabilities, and outdated versions, HDOs can take appropriate steps to protect their operations.
  • Threat intelligence: Delivering tailored, healthcare-specific indicators of compromise that help HDOs understand and address the risks in their environment.
  • Vulnerability assessments: Passively assess and correlate IoT and IoMT devices to ascertain current device risk levels without log-in credentials and enable HDOs to plan and prioritize their patch management workflows.
Healthcare delivery organizations need complete visibility into the makeup and potential risks of the devices operating in their environment. The only way to attain the level of detail and insight they require is with a purpose-built solution for healthcare. Medigate has learned the unique languages of clinical devices and does not guess what they’re saying through AI or Machine Learning. Instead, those techniques are used to deliver advanced insights from device data. With Medigate, the data available in all of your connected devices are unlocked, trusted, and the HDO can connect with confidence to accelerate their real-time healthcare initiatives. Contact a ValuTrack technology specialist to learn more about how Medigate can deliver unmatched visibility, protection, and threat detection for your healthcare organization via one comprehensive solution.

Case Study from Children’s Mercy Kansas City

“Medigate has been a necessary investment. They have provided the means for us to protect and monitor every connected device in a hospital at machine speeds.”

Want to Gain Full Visibility into your Healthcare Network?

Ready to fortify the cybersecurity measures for your healthcare infrastructure and safeguard sensitive patient data? Reach out to us for specialized healthcare cybersecurity solutions tailored to address the unique challenges of your industry. Our innovative solutions empower seamless monitoring and control of your healthcare cybersecurity operations, ensuring precision, security, and heightened efficiency. Get started optimizing your cybersecurity measures today.

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