
Buyer understands that Seller is not the manufacturer of the Products purchased by Buyer hereunder and the only warranties offered are those of the manufacturer, not the Seller. In purchasing the Products, the Buyer is relying on the manufacturer’s specifications only and is not relying on any statements, specifications, photographs, or other illustrations representing the Products that may be provided by the Seller.

Title/Risk of Loss

Title to the product shall pass to Buyer upon delivery of product to the common carrier (at Seller’s dock) or any other location directed by Buyer. All risk of loss, damage, theft, or destruction to the products shall be borne by the Buyer at F.O.B. shipping point. No such loss, damage, theft, or destruction to the product, in whole or in part, shall impair the obligation of the Buyer under this agreement, all of which shall continue in full force and effect.


Orders are not binding upon ValuTrack until accepted by ValuTrack. Buyer agrees to pay the total purchase price for the products plus shipping (to the extent shipping is not prepaid by Buyer), including shipping charges that are billed to Seller as a result of using Buyer’s carrier account number. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Seller, all credit purchases must be paid in accordance with Seller’s normal terms of sale which are Net 30 from date of invoice. The Buyer agrees to pay interest on all past-due sums at the lower of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the highest rate allowed by law. All drafts dishonored for any reason shall be assessed a $25.00 service charge. In the event that Buyer stops payment on any draft issue to Seller, for any reason, Buyer hereby recognizes that seller would suffer damage, the exact amount which cannot be determined with certainty and Buyer shall pay Seller liquidated damages of $500 for each such draft. In the event that Buyer utilizes a credit card to purchase product, Buyer agrees to not unnecessarily dispute such charges and further agrees to use best efforts to resolve any good faith dispute.

Return Policy

  • A Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number is required for all returns.
  • You may obtain an RMA number by contacting ValuTrack at 866.825.8382 or via e-mail at sales@valutrack.com.
  • An RMA number is valid for 10 days from the time of receipt from ValuTrack.
  • The RMA number must be visible on all returns.
  • ValuTrack does not accept returns of Custom Products, Custom Barcode Media (labels, ribbons, receipt paper, printheads, card stock, RFID tags, etc.), and or Custom Software.
  • All off-the-shelf software must be in its original packaging and unopened.
  • Returns must be complete with all manuals, cables, warranty cards, static bags, etc, just as the Buyer received them.
  • The Buyer is responsible for freight when returning products unless the product was DOA.
  • Products not eligible for return will be sent back to you at your expense.
  • The Buyer is ultimately responsible for returning products in their original condition.

Online Store Return Policy

US orders may be returned within 30 days of shipment to receive a full credit less a 15% restocking fee. Orders shipped and/or billed to a Canadian address may be returned within 30 days of shipment to receive a full credit less a 25% restocking fee.
All returns must be returned in new condition with all the original packaging. The Customer is responsible for freight when returning product(s) unless the product(s) was DOA. If returned product(s) does not meet the return conditions previously stated, the product(s) will be returned to the customer and full payment will be expected.